Wednesday, March 6, 2019


Have you ever thought back on a certain situation, season of life, and had regret? I sure have. I think it is a normal part of life, but I have also started to discover that people with faith have a unique perspective when they reflect back on those moments of regret. That as their faith matures they begin to see past REGRETs as an opportunity to potentially see the Lord’s FAITHFULNESS. This is the heart behind a new sermon series that we will launch this Sunday at DEAR YOUNGER ME. Here is a video link where I share some thoughts on the upcoming series and topic: 

WORD: One of the men in the Bible who I think struggled deeply with REGRET was Peter.  John 21:15–19 captures a moment of regret in Peter’s life after he had rejected even knowing Jesus 3 times! Jesus pursues him and in the passage you have this amazing, loving, and grace-filled exchange. Jesus never gives Peter an “I Told You So”, but instead uses words and language that will challenge Peter to reframe his entire experience.

WRESTLE: When I think about this passage it brings up some struggles in my life where I have wrestled with my own obedience to follow Jesus. This week, I plan to share how those struggles impacted my life by writing a letter or note to my younger self. We will also consider how Peter may have creatively written a letter back to his younger self (Simon) and how he would have wrestled through his betrayal of Jesus.

WIN: In the end we come to the realization that Christ can redeem every aspect of our life. Our regrets, mistakes, hang ups, finances, and dysfunction. For a picture into this WIN watch this song: I have come to a place where I do not want to change my life as much as I submit more of it to Christ. He has taken the mess I gave him and given me back a new picture of how to understand my life and appreciate His FAITHFULNESS.

My prayer and hope for you this week is that you would experience God’s FAITHFULNESS over your REGRET. That you would experience the freedom that accompanies the victory that has been purchased for you and that you would consider sharing a letter to your younger self through this message series. The process may heal, restore, and redeem what the world has stolen.

Growing with you,
Pastor Larry

For greater info on what is coming visit:

Wednesday, February 20, 2019

Was Jesus a Republican, Democrat or Independent?

Sunday we learned how we can be a part of changing our community through prayer. If you missed the message you can get access to it through our website. We asked you to pray specifically for a LEADER, a SERVANT, a person in NEED, a person at WORK, and one GOD-ORDAINED random moment. Many times when we think about our role in the political process it can become confusing, especially in the current bipartisan environment we live in. In this week’s video (Click here for Video) I share some of my thoughts on the matter as a leader and how you can WRESTLE with what the WORD says about the issue and come out with a WIN. 

WORD: As I think about my role and the role of our church in our nation’s government my mind drifts to a few passages: 1 Timothy 2:1–4 NIV , Matthew 22:15-22 NIV, & Luke 3:12-14. In these passages we see Jesus, a political servant, and a leader of the church and their response to some different situations. These are not the only passages on this topic and you should do a more exhaustive search if this topic sparks your passion or interest.

WRESTLE: As I have wrestled with politics and faith, I have become aware of some principles that have served me well. Jesus refused to be involved in politics, but He did not shy away from issues that impact politics. The leaders of His church followed His example, but the leaders of the church were also grateful for those who served in politics with integrity based on their faith. I would go so far as to say that every Christian needs to check their party-loyalty as it compares with Scripture, for this was the outcome of all the encounters I have read in scripture. Scripture is to be the guiding focus of our morality, ethics, and behavior.

WIN: When we all understand our role, the Kingdom of God is best advanced. My role is to preach, teach, and lead the Church that Jesus started and is in charge of, but I also need to pray for my political leaders and encourage our church to be involved in changing their communities, states, and nation to reflect their Biblical values. By staying in my role and appreciating the role of our political leaders I am able to best present the Gospel that moves hearts toward Christ’s Kingdom and those Christ followers involved in our political and government roles are able to best bring ethical and moral change to the laws that impact the lives of our citizens. I am grateful for those who have found their calling is to be engaged in the political process and to bring change that protects and improves the lives of our citizens.

My prayer this week for you, as you pray for leaders and people in our community, is that you will best understand your role. Knowing our role and call is something that Jesus wants all of us to better understand so we can honor Him in a world that is desperate to know Him.

Growing with you,
Pastor Larry

For greater info on what is coming visit:

Tuesday, October 17, 2017

Clouded Worship

“While he was speaking, a cloud appeared and covered them, and they were afraid as they entered the cloud. A voice came from the cloud, saying, “This is my Son, whom I have chosen; listen to him.””

How many times have I entered our church large group gathering heavy with concern, grief, or fear? Unsure if I could surrender myself to the presence of God’s Spirit while at the same time being concerned for what His Spirit may reveal in me or require of me. But as I lift my hands in worship and surrender I find that God’s one and only Son (Jesus) knows me, loves me, and brings peace to my soul in the midst of my concern, grief, and fear. 

My prayer this day is that everyone hurting and in need of healing would find the peace and hope only found in a relationship with Jesus. Don’t wait till Sunday to worship; worship Him every day and let’s come together to Celebrate Him and what He has been doing in our lives this Sunday!

Thursday, January 19, 2017

Silver is More Precious than you Think

This morning my wife and I took off for Branson, MO to take part in a marriage retreat that our friend Shannon O'Dell was putting on. As we approach our 25th wedding anniversary I can't help but think back on my own parents who made it to this mile stone, but shortly afterward went through a divorce. I have many friends who have also had to navigate the horrible disillusionment of God's sacred gift. As I reflect on my my marriage, I thought it would be helpful to consider what has made our marriage successful and also what has attacked our marriage over these last 25 years.

I think the greatest attack is at the root of all the others and it's connected to our naturally narcissistic nature. We come into marriage as individuals and for many, they miss the beauty of God's picture that the two shall become one (Mark 10:8). We many times withhold our role in marriage to bless our spouse because we are wanting to punish them for not fulfilling some need that we think they should be filling in our lives. Our advisory understands this issue far better than we know. Then we are tempted to find fulfillment in the arms of another or we fantasize about how the grass is greener. A previous pastor of mine once said: the grass is not greener on the other side, it's greener where you water it. The converse of this narcissistic reality is also the secret to the success of my marriage.

I have at times over the last 25 years struggled in my marriage. But whenever thoughts or feelings connected to those struggles emerged, I owned them as my issue and not my spouse's. Therefore, I would pray immediately that God would reveal to me each time what was wrong in my spiritual life, emotional life, or thought life. I would return often to key passages like Romans 12:1-2 and Ephesians 5: 22-33 and reflect on my role in our marriage. In what way was I not blessing my wife with my time, my thoughts, or my devotion? Was there something or someone else competing for any of those areas. This is the secret my friends! Take captive every thought, emotion, or time thief that comes against your marriage and place your attention on the noble institution of marriage (2 Corinthians 10:5). Remember your vows, remember your fist love (Rev. 2:4), and your bride or groom as God has purposed them for you (Proverbs 5:18).

These realties can save, enhance, and bring joy to your marriage. Where both in the marriage understand and operate within their unique Biblical roles marriages flourish and last. Where one or both neglect these realties chances will increase that a divorce is on the horizon. If you have been through a divorce, this blog is not meant to condemn you but to help you ensure in the future that new endeavors and relationships will have greater success. There is also not enough time in a short blog to address all the unique, painful, and varied issues that come up in marriage. If you are struggling in this season, please contact me personally so that I can provide a more personal response to your unique situation. I find today that the silver marriage anniversary is more precious because Christ has brought my wife and I though so much and it is because or our devotion to Him that we are still married today and can look forward to celebrate many more anniversaries.

Tuesday, December 27, 2016

Super Star Pastor?

Our church recently re-launched an online church ( There were many that asked me why we needed to invest time and resources into this tool. I had to pray through and answer those questions myself before re-launching. Behind this wrestling is a core principle that should guide all pastors, but sadly does not at times. The principle is found in a key text of scripture: John 12:32.
In this passage Jesus was literally referring to His crucifixion, but the parallel to Numbers 21:9 is evident to most. When you link the passages together you get a wonderful picture to guide us in pastoral ministry. Our goal is to lift up and glorify Christ alone; not ourselves, our local gatherings, a well-known leader, or a popular movement. I see too many pastors in our world today that promote their name, their local church, and their resources in a way that glorifies them. Admittedly, I struggle with this temptation at my core because I am a prideful man. So, before re-launching our online church I had to remind myself of this principle.
Because I took time to do this, we decided that we would re-launch as an online venue and not an online church. Our goal is to lift up Christ in this venue and allow Him to draw people to Himself. This venue is designed to gather people who work in retail, the medical field, restaurants, shift work, are engaged in travel ball, or for health reasons can’t travel to a location. Moreover, the team I’m working with understands that as we get to know our online audience our goal is to connect them to a local fellowship. Since we are about lifting up the name of Christ we do not feel we are in competition with other churches that share this goal. There are many “one another’s” in scripture that are best lived out in a local fellowship and we don’t want anyone to miss out on the fullness that God has for them.
Please pray for our new venue and connect with us online. If you are a church that shares our goal of lifting up the name of Jesus we want to connect with you. We may have a future congregant we want to send your way. If you are a Pastor who needs encouragement, please connect with us so we can pray for you and encourage you.
By the way, because LifeChurch gives away all their recourses for free we were able to launch online and I want to say thank you to that church for sharing this heart to glorify Christ Alone by sharing their resources! If you are someone who can’t make it to church on Sunday, come visit us and experience the love of Christ each week at Grace Online. May the Lord teach us all that Jesus is the only Superstar with elevating!

Thursday, June 23, 2016

The Debt of Un-forgiveness

If you live long enough you obtain some wounds from other people and if you are humble enough to admit it, you probably have caused some wounds along the way. In Jesus model prayer (Matthew 6:7-15), also known as the Lord’s Prayer, He refers to these wounds as DEBTS. He could have chosen many words to describe these particular sins that we have committed and other have committed toward us, but I think He was very intentional in His word choice.
When you think about the word DEBT it carries that connotation that something is owed. What is owed is unique to specific DEBT. For instance if someone has lied to you they owe you an apology and the truth. As we seek many times what is owed to us we encounter a roadblock. Possibly someone who is unwilling to admit their wrong or can’t return to us our dignity or what is owed to us. Depending on our personality and other factors we may push hard for them to pay what was owed or we stuff it down and try and move on. Both responses create a seed of un-forgiveness that grows over time to impact our heart and our ability to love others the way that God loves us.
The solution is to forgive. But we struggle to forgive many times because we misunderstand the true definition of forgiveness. For instance we think is we forgive someone we are excusing what they did and justifying it. But this is not what forgiveness really is. True forgiveness is best understood by understanding how God forgave us. God new that we would never fully be able to pay back all that we owed to him based on our personal DEBT that we accumulated over the coarse of our lifetime. Therefore, He sent His one and only unique Son to pay our DEBT. We did not deserve this forgiveness, we did not pay what was owed, and yet God canceled our DEBT based on what Jesus did. This reality when accepted frees a person from the burden of their DEBTs that they could never afford to pay and removes the power of those DEBTs to cripple that persons capacity for love.
When you hold a seed of un-forgiveness it poisons your soul to the point that you can’t function. When you forgive someone you cancel what they owe you! You don’t expect the payment because you believe that because God has canceled your DEBT He also wants to cancel that persons DEBT as well. This frees you from the expectation that person will ever pay what they owe you. It does not mean that you would put yourself back into a situation where you would be hurt again or that you excuse the natural consequences of that person’s DEBT. It also means that you leave their personal journey of seeking their own forgiveness with them. YOU ARE FREE!
This week at Grace Seaford, and Grace Online we will be sharing on how you can experience freedom from personal hurts or DEBTS. Our prayer is that you will be set free from your DEBTS and that you as you forgive those who OWE you a DEBT. If you can’t make it physically you can experience the message here:  or you can experience our online campus here: May God set us all free through Christ’s love this weekend! 

Thursday, February 18, 2016

Not Your Mother's MOB

This week @ Grace we will be sharing about Christ's Vision for the Church. I know that this might seem way too simple for some, but it is so easy for all of us to loose sight of the understanding that Jesus established His Church (Matthew 16:13-18) and the word He used for church He borrowed from the word MOB or Gathering. How cool is it that Jesus in this profound statement boils His church down to a Gathering of people who share a conviction that Jesus is the unique Son of God. He established His church on FAITH!

Too often we gather for alternative reasons. We think church is about meeting our needs, meeting our community's needs, moving a man-made vision forward, making us feel spiritually better, or even to build our own little kingdom based on some slick program or system. These are man-made mobs and in essence they create the potential for a SCAR that comes from an unusual place - THE CHURCH. There are times that we find spiritual healing, we meet the real needs of our community, and that we get something out of our Gathering. But at the end of the day this is not the primary purpose. The primary purpose is to know Christ! Whether I'm new to that idea or I've been a Christian for 50 years I'm still a seeker of His heart, His purpose, His Love, His wisdom, His blessing, and His Gathering. Christ's stands ready to quench our parched thirst for with the Water of His refreshing Spirit in a way that man-made gatherings fail to.

So, this week @ Grace we will share how we can heal from the man-made SCARS of church. How God intended a better way for people to Gather and how simply beautiful Christ's assembly is when they are focused on a healthy expression of knowing Him. We will share these ideas at Grace Seaford and Grace Online and we hope you will take time to be a part of this conversation and that the result is you are refreshed in your faith as you Gather @ Grace.